Start page


:: 2009
- Test result GSD IV
We have tested three of our cats Nils Oscar, Elin and Cajsa Varg normal for GSD IV, March 11th 2009.

:: 2008
- Semilonghair of the Year 2007 - IDP
GC (N) Satyr's Nils Oscar are the Semilonghair of the Year within the Nordic IDP 2007.He's number 4 on the total list!

- Cat of the Year 2007 - SMK
:: GC (N) Satyr's Nils Oscar

- The NFO of 2007, adult - IDP
1. GC (N) Satyr's Nils Oscar
2. GC Black Forest Elin :: 2007
- Cat of the Year 2006 - SMK
:: PR & EC Chacolis Naradas
Cat of the year, 1st place. Sen/vet of the year 2006 SMK, 1st place!

:: CH (N) Satyr's Nils Oscar
Cat of the year 2006 SMK, 3rd place

:: IC Black Forest Cajsa Varg
Cat of the year 2006 SMK, 7th place

- Black Forest Japp got the title Grand. Euro Champion! - France 2007/04/28
- Congratulations to Black Forest Benjamina - Int. Champion on the same show

:: 2006
- Meet our new family member, the Jack Russell Terrier puppy Sune - 2006/07/27
- Ossi and Naradas are both HCM-negative - 2006/05/22

:: 2005

Kitten/Junior of the Year 2005 IDP
(N) Satyr's Nils Oscar, The Kitten/Junior of the Year 2005 at Skogkattslingan (IDP)
270 p (4 shows)
The Adult of the Year 2005 IDP
CH Black Forest Cajsa Varg,
The Adult of the Year 2005 at Skogkattslingan (IDP)
250 p (4 shows)
3 December
Black Forest Cajsa Varg became
Cat Of The Year SMK 2005!
 5 September - Our new male!
We welcome Satyr's Nils Oscar, "Ossi", from Norway.
See this beautiful boy on his own page
 11 June - Thank you!
Thank you so much for all the congratulations on my 40th birthday on June 1st! =)